Sunday, February 13, 2011

Soulmate, a Valentine's Android App of the Day

Ever forget her birthday?  Special occasion? Anniversary?  Do you not call or text her often enough?  Did you piss her off at the wrong time of the month again?  Tsk tsk... why not let technology help you out?

In honor of St. Valentine, I would like to share an app created by Riccardo Bertini, the app is appropriately named, Soulmate.

How can this wonderful app help you out?  First, you enter all your significant other's vital information: Birthday, anniversary, first kiss, first date, etc... even her monthy cycle! (They really think of everything don't they?)

Then what?  Well... if you're Italian (or just want to try to impress her) select from the drop down menu of predetermined SMS messages (for now, they're still all in Italian) and your phone will take care of remembering to send those sweet messages while you're out playing golf. (Real or virtual)  Imagine how thoughtful you can be when everything is automated?

Not enough?  You can also schedule sweet nothing messages to be sent throughout the day!!!  She won't feel so neglected anymore!

Still not enough?  How about having your phone remind you when it's the special time of the month?  Wouldn't that be so handy?

And that's just the FREE version!  For those Casanovas out there, for only US$2.73, you can get the Advanced version with more features!!!

Being Casanova, means multi-tasking... so instead of having to browse through your whole phonebook which may contain business & family contacts, why not use a private phonebook instead?  This is included in the Advanced version!  As is a location-based filter that can automatically reject calls when you're at work, and can automatically reply with a politely programmed SMS.

Isn't technology wonderful???  It makes being thoughtful so easy!  And, if all else fails, and you still manage to screw up... look on the bright side... for only $1.99, you can confess and save your soul!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!

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