Sunday, September 25, 2011

Android App of the Day: SMS Backup & Restore

If you like keeping old SMS, you'll find this little app quite handy.

All Android phones store contact, calendar, and email online (aka, The Cloud).  But SMS data is still stored on the phone, and isn't easily transferred from one Android to another.

Enter SMS Backup & Restore.  A simple program that exports all your text messages to a file which you can email to yourself, then retrieve and restore at a later date, or from a new phone.


  1. im one of those people who keeps SMS from certain people and i have been using this SMS Backup+ since i had my x10 mini pro. i can just easily backup SMS to my email account. yay for technology!

  2. Hey Neil, thanks for reading! I haven't tried Backup+, but I'm guessing it works pretty much the same way.

    It's so great to be able to migrate to a new phone without losing all your information.

    I hope Google's next step is to include SMS/MMS cloud backup in the next version of Android. :)


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